Looking to build your website using WordPress? You may be considering whether to hire a freelancer or work with a WordPress development company. Both options have their pros and cons, and ultimately, your decision will depend on various factors.

Freelancers are often a more affordable choice. They typically charge less because they don’t have the overhead costs associated with running a company. There is no need to pay salaries, rent office space, or provide employee benefits. Additionally, freelancers face fierce competition in the online marketplace, which keeps their prices competitive.

On the other hand, WordPress development companies offer certain advantages as well. They have a team of professionals, including HR managers and accountants, who can provide support throughout the project. Their established reputation and experience may also give you peace of mind knowing that your project is in capable hands.

To make an informed decision, it’s crucial to weigh these factors and consider your specific needs and budget. In our blog post, we delve deeper into the WordPress Agency vs Freelancer debate, providing a comprehensive comparison to help you make the right choice for your project.

Comparing a WordPress Development Company to a Freelancer: Key Considerations Before Making a Decision

Benefits of Hiring a Freelancer

Affordable Rates

To start with the obvious, freelancers generally offer lower rates for their services. There are a few reasons behind this.

Firstly, freelancers don’t have the additional expenses that come with running a WordPress development company. They don’t have to pay salaries to HR managers, accountants, or other staff members. There’s no need for office space or employee benefits.

Secondly, the rise of independent professionals on the Internet has led to intense competition. Freelancers who charge exorbitant prices find it difficult to sustain their business. As a result, they strive to keep their rates competitive.


When considering the WordPress agency vs freelancer debate, another advantage of hiring a freelancer is their flexibility. They go the extra mile to meet their clients’ needs and easily adapt to their requirements.

For instance, a WordPress agency operates within set hours. If a client from a different time zone wants to discuss something urgently with the development team over the weekend, they may have to wait until Monday morning. On the other hand, freelancers are more inclined to accommodate client requests regardless of the day of the week.

Specialized Expertise

Hiring a freelancer can be seen as an advantage or disadvantage depending on the complexity of your project. Typically, freelancers specialize in a specific area of expertise.

For example, they may excel in front-end development but have limited knowledge of back-end processes. If your task requires expertise in a particular area only, hiring a freelancer who specializes in that domain can be highly beneficial.

Effective Communication and Building Trust

The communication aspect plays a crucial role when considering the WordPress vs Freelancer dilemma. In the case of a WordPress agency, there is an intermediary called a project manager who acts as a bridge between you and the team.

However, if the project manager lacks experience or efficiency, this indirect communication process can slow down development and lead to bottlenecks. On the other hand, when working with a freelancer, you have a direct line of communication.

This direct channel allows you to closely supervise every step, ensuring that deadlines are met and work is executed according to your preferences. This level of involvement establishes a strong sense of trust between you and the independent WordPress developer.

Although it may require more of your time compared to working with an agency, it provides you with greater control over the project and enables you to align the outcome with your vision.

Freelancers: Areas of Weakness

Limited Skillset

While freelancers can excel in specific areas, they cannot be proficient in everything. They may claim to be, but the old saying holds true: “Jack of all trades and master of none.”

Therefore, if you have a complex project that requires expertise in both front-end and back-end development, search engine optimization, and server configuration simultaneously, we recommend choosing a WordPress development company that has a diverse team of talented individuals under one roof.

Poor/No Project Management Skills

Another downside of working with freelancers, as we compare and contrast them with our WordPress agency, is their lack of proper project management. Freelancers often try to take on multiple projects concurrently to maximize their income.

However, if a freelancer cannot effectively manage these projects, allocating the right amount of time and effort to each one, it can negatively impact the quality of the final product or result in delays and missed deadlines.

No Assurance of Project Completion

One of the most challenging aspects of working with freelancers is the lack of guarantee that they will finish the project they committed to. They might suddenly disappear, leaving you with nothing.

Since there is usually no legal agreement binding freelancers to complete their tasks, clients have limited power to enforce completion.

Imagine if the freelancer you hired unexpectedly announces their departure. What do you do? You’ll have to start searching for a replacement, which can be time-consuming and demanding.

Even if you find a suitable substitute, the new freelancer will need time to familiarize themselves with the previous work, resulting in further wasted time and money.

Uncertainty in Quality

While many freelancers excel in their respective fields, some inexperienced individuals are just starting and may not be well-versed in industry standards and practices.

As a result, you might be unpleasantly surprised when you receive the final work. This is one of the primary reasons why hiring a WordPress development company is advisable. 

Advantages of Collaborating With a WordPress Development Company

Now, let’s talk about the main advantages of professional WordPress development services over freelancers. 

Giving Your Project Undivided Attention and Handling Tasks Efficiently

One major benefit of working with a WordPress agency, as opposed to freelancers, is the undivided attention your project receives. When you place an order, you’ll be assigned a professional manager who will oversee your project from start to finish. They act as a liaison between you and the development team, keeping you informed of progress and addressing any requests you may have.

Project managers at WordPress development companies have extensive experience and follow established workflows and best practices. Their level of coordination surpasses that of most freelancers. The result is a high-quality end product that meets your requirements and is delivered on time.

High Reliability

Reliability is another compelling reason to hire a WordPress development company. Freelancers may abandon your project after completing only a portion of the work, leaving you to scramble for a replacement. 

In contrast, established WordPress companies have a large talent pool with the necessary skills to handle complex projects. When outsourcing to such a company, a team of professionals works on your project. If a developer becomes unavailable (due to illness or leaving the company), the management team promptly fills the gap with an equally skilled professional.

This ensures that the development process continues without interruptions, and you receive your completed project as expected.

Legal Safeguards

In the business world, the value of data cannot be overstated. The last thing you want is for your sensitive information to fall into the wrong hands. However, when dealing with freelancers, there’s always a risk that your project details may end up in the possession of competitors or cybercriminals without any legal recourse.

On the other hand, when you hire a WordPress development company, you enter into a legally binding contract and non-disclosure agreement. These essential documents provide you with the necessary protection against unexpected departures and breaches of confidential data. With white label WordPress development, you retain full ownership of the code delivered, with no mention of the development company.

A Wealth of Talent in One Place

We’ve already touched upon this advantage in our discussion of WordPress agencies versus freelancers, but let’s delve deeper into it.

When you work with a company, you gain access to professionals from diverse fields who are accustomed to collaborative teamwork. This is particularly beneficial because businesses often require complex solutions. Building a website involves both front-end and back-end development, as well as unique design, user-friendliness, and bug-free functionality.

By engaging a web development company, you can tap into a pool of experts with all the necessary WordPress skills under one roof. This ensures that you receive a visually appealing and thoroughly tested turn-key solution. No more wasting weeks scouring the internet in search of a suitable UX designer, followed by a front-end developer, then a back-end developer, and so on.

A WordPress Development Company: Downsides

A Steep Price

Indeed, it’s a fact: opting for a WordPress development company can be pricier compared to hiring a freelancer. Firstly, there are various overhead costs involved, such as employee salaries, benefits, software licenses, and other obligatory expenses.

Moreover, agencies usually prioritize hiring experienced professionals who naturally demand higher hourly rates compared to newcomers in the field of WordPress development.

Delayed Responses

Certain agencies have gained a reputation for providing lackluster client service. They might limit their communication channels, leading to slower information exchange and frustrating delays or misunderstandings.

Comparing a WordPress Development Company to a Freelancer: Deciding When to Opt for Each – Recap

Appropriate for a complex project requiring a range of specialized skills (e.g., UX/UI design, front-end and back-end development) and a considerable budget and timeline.+
Suitable for a minor task demanding proficiency in a single area (e.g., server setup).+
Ideal when dealing with a tight project deadline.+
Perfect for those lacking the bandwidth to oversee the project and prefer a professional project manager’s services.+
Offers legal assurances that the project will be completed, and sensitive information will remain secure.+
Perfect for those seeking a personal engagement with a WordPress developer.+


To sum up, while hiring freelancers for WordPress development may seem cost-effective, it comes with its share of challenges such as potential inconsistencies in quality, and uncertainties in commitment and data security. 

On the flip side, while a WordPress development company might seem more expensive initially, the benefits you receive in the form of dedicated project management, high reliability, legal safeguards, and diverse expertise make it a worthy investment for robust, efficient, and secure solutions. 

Ultimately, the choice between a WordPress development company and a freelancer hinges on your specific needs and budget. Each option has its own set of pros and cons, and the ideal choice is one that aligns best with your project specifications, financial constraints, and comfort level.